As internet is gaining popularity these days so are the people related to it. Many Internet Enterpreures have got them listed in many top lists across the world, so here we are with the list of top ten Internet celebrities of 2010.
Mark Zuckerberg
The 26 year old guy, best known co-founder of the most popular social networking site in the world. Forbes magazine listed him as the youngest self made billionaire with a personal wealth of $4 billion. Microsoft corp. bought 1.6% stack in Facebook Inc. in 2007 which rocketed the market value of Facebook to a whooping $15 Billion. There is also a movie which has been made on life of Zuckerber, starring Justin timberlake and Jesse eisenberg , which is all set to release this year and the Movie is call The Social Network.
Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt
The combined wealth of all three is approx $40 Billion and to add to that they are responsible for running the worlds most visited search engine Google. There is no doubt that Google is the most powerful invention of the web. Apart from being the search engine king they also own the biggest ad network in form on Adwords, Google also acquired the biggest video website Youtube in 2006 paying more then $1.5 Billion. Since then Google has acquired many companies and they have also tried their hand on Facebook but failed to convince founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Michael Arrington
The founder of Techcrunch, who was selected as one of the most influential people in the world by TIME Magazine. He also made an online payment company called Achex, which was later sold to First data corp. for $32 million. Techcrunch which started as a blog has now become a web publication for technology news.
Steve Jobs
The co-founder and chief executive of Apple Inc. Steve is a person with aggressive and demanding personality and with this kind of nature he had been able to take Apple to next level and beat Microsoft to grab the first position as the biggest tech company.
Matt Mullenweg
The developer of Wordpress, world’s most used open source blogging platform. He is a young entrepreneur who is also involved in public speaking. Thanks to his creation that blogging got a new dimension from just being a sub-domain of etc. Today millions of blogs use wordpress as a blogging platform. Some of the most popular websites run on Wordpress are Techcrunch, Huffingtonpost, Mashable and more.
Jimmy Wales
Jimmy Wales a well known internet entrepreneur and the co-founder and promoter of Wikipedia. Born in a town named Huntsville, Alabama, Married twice with a daughter from her second wife. This person gave us a very unique website named Wikepedia the online encyclopedia. Which not only made him popular but also has made him enlisted in the list of few self made billionaires and successful people in recent years.
Arianna Huffington
Well this Lady has definitely gathered a lot of controversies against her during her lifetime and success also. A very Influential lady and the co-founder of the well known News Website The HuffingtonPost, who also bagged a no 12 position in Forbe’s first premiere list of the most influential Women In media. And now after her websites success on the www world she has now become one of the most influential person on World Wide Web.
Craig Newmark
Craig Alexander Newmark who provided a whole new dimension to the internet Advertising World. His Well Known Creation Named Craiglist. A website that provides free online classified advertisement listing of products, services, jobs and discussion Forums around the world. Started in 1995 the site has made innumerable rounds in news this year with its gaining popularity. Now with over twenty billion page views per month the site has successfully made its place in the top 50 websites on the World Wide Web. Making Craig a well known Internet Celebrity.
Evan Williams
People might know Him as the CEO of twitter but I will definitely call him the father of blogging. Evan has really contributed a lot to the Internet world and he gave the word blogger to the World Wide Web for the first time. A Born American, he has marked his presence on Internet since many years with some of his outstanding works like Pyra Labs (creator of Weblog and Blogger Software). With his unique contributions and inventions he has made to the top of many Influential People lists around the globe in recent years.
Steve Ballmer
One of the richest people on earth with an estimated wealth of around $15 billion and the CEO Of the Microsoft Corporation since 2000. He is the one who is responsible for all the Microsoft’s activities around the globe making him the top most Influential person on internet undoubtedly. Popular for his extraordinary different Behavior and achievements, he has definitely overpowered Bill gates in the recent years. Media has also tagged him as the man who rules Microsoft in the year 1992, thus making him the most and highly influential person on internet till now and the richest too.
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Monday, May 31, 2010
10 Most influential people on web – 2010
TV Shows We Would Like To See as Movies | Inside Movies
'The A-Team' is the latest in a long line line of television shows that have been adapted from the small screen to the big screen.
Some have done quite well ('Star Trek') while others have, well, not done quite as well. ('The Beverley Hillbillies,' anyone?)
It would seem, as of late, that every good television show that could actually be considered "good" has already been adapted for a feature film.
Well, we picked out seven more, mostly recent, popular television shows that we think should be brought to the silver screen.
Well, this doesn't seem as quite an obvious choice after the finale, but you know, there's still a lot of story to tell.
Sure, Jack Shepherd is dead, and we know, eventually, all the characters die. But so what? So does everyone, someday. There's still plenty of years to cover of Hurley and Ben running the island. Who knows what crazy adventures those two get into over the next fifty years or so? Maybe Ben even restarts his book club?
And, don't forget: Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Richard and Frank all escaped the island. There's plenty of tension to be had right there to fill a feature film. The custody battle between Kate and Claire over Aaron; Sawyer and Kate's awkward romance while they kill time until they die so they can be with their true loves, Juliet and Jack.
Maybe Miles could even conduct a seance between those four.
Jerry Seinfeld has gone on record many times saying this will never happen, but, after the successful reunion on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm,' just maybe he would reconsider?
They could even pick up where 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' left off. Elaine would have a daughter, Isabelle, with Jerry Seinfeld. Though, Isabelle is unaware that Jerry is her father as he just donated sperm and was not a part of her upbringing.
George had become a multi-millionaire for creating the iToliet but lost his fortune to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.
Kramer still lives across the hall from Jerry and, for the most part hasn't changed at all -- though he did offer to donate his sperm to Elaine, who declined.
Well, this is supposedly already happening. And last we saw, Jack Bauer is on the run from, well, pretty much everybody.
From reports, it seems the plan would be to make a two-hour film that covers a full twenty-four hour day.
And, as we saw in the series finale, things are not going that well for Mr. Bauer, so a film that continues this story would be a logical conclusion.
If nothing else, the film could focus on Jack caring for a now brain damaged President Logan, "You will eat your peas!!!"
There's a couple different directions this could go. If there were ever a big screen version of 'NYPD Blue,' the film would have to bring back Andy Sipowicz's original partner, Detective John Kelly.
Now, David Caruso has become a bit of a caricature of himself playing Horatio Cain on 'CSI: Miami,' so people forget what an absolute bad-ass he was on 'NYPD Blue.'
An 'NYPD Blue' film could feature Kelly in full New York City accent bad-ass mode, just like the first season (and first four episodes of the second season) of the show.
Or, it could borrow his sunglasses-wearing 'CSI: Miami' persona and spend the entire film watching Sipowicz on a booze-filled rage as he tries to get to the bottom of what had happened to his partner.
Bear with us in this one. But, seriously, this show needs to pull a 'Lost'-style end-date soon and end it all with a feature film.
Any show -- even a sitcom -- that is based on a mystery must set a date to end or the show starts spinning its wheel (as 'Lost' did in its third season and as 'HIMYM' has done pretty much this entire season).
And Jason Segel has already proven he can open a film; add in Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders, Alyson Hannigan (no stranger to feature length films) and Josh Radnor as Ted finally meeting "The Mother" -- well, that sounds like a movie.
Oh, also, actually film this thing in New York City.
Okay, considering the blood bath that occurred over the last few episodes, this one might be tricky.
Yeah, they could always do a prequel, but one of the aspects that made 'The Sopranos' so great was the underlying dread that a character could be killed at anytime.
In a prequel, already knowing the main character's fates, well, it would lose something.
But, even if a film takes place after the final episode, there's still a few characters alive. Tony Soprano is still alive (we think?); A.J. never succeeded in offing himself; Paulie is still kicking it; Silvio is technically still alive.
Let's just hope there would be no Journey songs this time around.
It's too bad 'The Sopranos' and 'Mad Men' aren't set in the same era.
Time travel aside (and we are NOT ruling that out!), it's unfortunate that we'll never seen a sit down between Tony Soprano and Don Draper.
Draper may be one of the few men who could actually take on Tony without much fear of retribution. Most people don't know how to disappear. Do you know who does know how to disappear? Dick Whitman.
Okay, sure, he lucked into the whole Don Draper name. But still, if faced with the possibility of a mob hit, it's likely he'd take his old name back before letting that happen.
Also, a feature film based on 'Mad Men' without a 'Sopranos' tie-in would be good, too.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things | I Can Has Happy
These days you can find all sorts of things online, from audio books to flash files, from sound effects to CSS templates. Below we compiled a list with over 100 download sites that serve that purpose.
We will also try to keep the list updated, so if your favorite download site is not here, let us know about it with a comment.
Audio Books
Librivox: One of the most popular audio libraries on the web. The LibriVox volunteers record books that are in the public domain and release them for free.
Podiobooks: Similar to podcast, Podiobooks are serialized audiobooks that are distributed through RSS feeds. You can receive book episodes or download directly from the site.
Oculture (Audio & Podcast): Offers a rich array of educational and cultural media. The site editor scours through the web to find the best cultural and educational media available.
Learn Out Loud: A one-stop destination for video and audio learning resources. You can browse through over 15,000 educational audio books MP3 downloads, podcasts, and videos. The site also contains various free resources.
The Pirate Bay: The web’s largest collection of bit torrent trackers. The Pirate Bay banks on its member file sharers to cull the web’s torrent files and make these available to users. : What started as an alternative to the now defunct Supernova that went offline in 2004, Mininova has become the biggest torrent search engine and directory on the web. The site provides easy-to-use directory and search for all types of torrent files.
Torrent Portal : This P2P and file sharing site works like Google by linking only to .torrent metafiles and captures the caches of those files. It does not store files nor transfer data which are content linked to by .torrent files.
Now Torrents: The site scans torrent websites on the internet to provide the best results to users. Now Torrents provides an advanced real-time search engine for bit-torrents while at the same detecting and removing fake or dead torrent sites.
Torrentz: This Sweden-based torrent meta-search engine also indexes various major torrents sites including Mininova, The Pirate Bay and Demonoid. It provides various trackers per torrent that would work when another tracker is not working.
Books and Documents
Scribd: A virtual place where you can publish, discover, discuss, and share original writings and document. With 50 million unique page views per month, Scribd is a great place to learn new things.
Sheet Music Archive: The web’s most popular music web site. The site contains more than 22,000 classical music pieces and more than 100,000 sheet of music. It offers hundreds of free music downloads and more for subscriptions.
Computer The site offers high quality computer related books for free download. These computer books are all legally distributed and their authors have granted permissions for the site to distribute their works.
Docstoc: This is your ultimate resource for free legal and business documents. Docstoc does not only allow you to download documents for free but it also lets you upload and share your own documents.
Tech Books for Free Download: If you’re looking for free books on Java, Perl/Phyton or other computer programming related books, this site might be of help. It offers books covering technology subjects for free download.
Project Gutenberg: The most comprehensive repository of ebooks on the web. Project Gutenberg was built by volunteers and now houses more than 27,000 titles of ebooks in its catalog.
Free eMagazine Download – covers a comprehensive collection of free emagazines for free download.
KnowFree: The site offers a virtual place to exchange ebooks freely., video training, and other educational materials . Know Free features a very nice search engine which enables users to search for a particular materias fast.
Spotbit: Providing a paperless solution to publishing and for selling e-books, Spotbit makes e-book available in a different digital format than what is available on the web lately. Spotbit offers a simple Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology for E-books format.
Ebookshare: Provides link to either an e-books torrent files or direct download to the file itself. E-books are categorized into broader subject and the site has a nice search engine to aid you in finding the e-book you want.
Ebookee: A free book search engine. Ebookee helps you in finding e-book titles that you are particularly looking for. The E-books listed on the site are organized in general subject categories.
Wowio: The site lets you access legally available high-quality e-books. Wowio lets you read complete books online for free. If you want to download the PDF versions, Wowio charges a minimal fee.
Internet Archive – With the aim of building an Internet Library, this site features texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages in its collections.
Open Clip Art Library: The site is an ongoing project to create an archive of user contributed database of clip art that can used freely. Open Clip Art Library upholds the Creative Commons and encourages users to participate in generating contents.
WP Clipart: Offers more than 29000 public domain clip art images which were designed specifically for use with Word Processors. WP Clipart provides thousands of color graphic clips, illustrations, photographs and black and white line art in lossless, PNG format.
Clker: The site offers royalty free clip art in SVG, ODG and PNG format which are in public domain. It lets you easily embed these images in openoffice documents. The web’s largest collection of royalty-free clipart, vinyl-ready images, photos, web graphics, fonts, illustrations, and sounds. Clipart offers paid subscription to its database containing 10 million+ professional-quality images in various formats including .EPS, .JPG, .PNG, and .WMF.
Download Hubs
Softpedia: The site contains more than 500,000 sofware programs Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Mobile Phones, Games and Drivers. Some of software programs in Softpedia are freeware while some are shareware. Cnet’s most comprehensive library of freeware offers free download. contains tons of Windows software ranging from security software, digital photo software, educational software and more.
Open Source Mac: A handy reference and useful tools that encourages users to utilize free and open-source software.. Open Source Mac offers a simple list of the best and free software for the Mac OS X.
Free Downloads Center: Hosts a collection of free software, games and other desktop goodies which you can download for free. Free Downloads Center also offers a Give Away of the Day licensed software which you can download during the day only.
Tucows: The web’s original software download site. Tucows contains more than 40,000 software titles which are freeware or shareware.
Phazeddl: Hosts download warez, games, torrents, movies, software, apps, scripts, TV shows, ebooks, templates as well as key-gen of crack softwares.
A+Freeware: The site offers choice applications or “A+Freeware” which become useful only when combined with a valid operating system. A+Freeware lets you get copies of software for free.
Best Freeware Download: A free wares site which allows you to register and save links on the site’s member account areas. Best Freeware Download is categorized into communication desktop and games. Gamers would definitely want to check this site from time to time to check on new freewares to be added.
Free Ware Box: The site offers categorized summary of freeware software. Freeware Box contains open source software, public domain and other types of free software, all available for free download.
Freeware Zoom: This site offers freeware for free download. Freeware Zoom is updated daily and it contains no adware or spyware.
File Hippo: The site has considerable number of freeware, demo and shareware programs which are of high quality. File Hippo puts a premium on quality software rather than quantity. Hence the site offers only the best software.
Windows Downloads:’s Windows-only software download site offers softwre which were tested to be 100% free of malware.
Major Geeks: Offers only the serious software meant for the serious geeks. It hosts the most comprehensive collection of computer utilities available on the web.
Brothersoft: The site offers more than 100,000 software for free download. Brothersoft does not only offer free software download but also thoroughly evaluate all the software submitted to them.
Flash Files
Ffiles: The web’s richest repository of free Flash Files. Ffiles contains Flash files which you can download freely. It also allows you to upload your own Flash files that you want to share with other users.
Flash Kit: If you’re a flash developer, Flash Kit is the site for you. It’s the ultimate online resource for Macromedia Flash development.
Flash Den: This site contains everything that you need for your Adobe lash project. You can buy preloaders, templates and other things you need to finish your project. And most of these Flash components sell for as low as $1.
Dafont: If you’re looking for some cool fonts to use for whatever purposes, you could probably pick up one or two font style at this site. Dafont offers freely downloadable fonts. You can browse fonts by author, by style or by popularity.
1001 Free Fonts: This site has a big collection of TrueType fonts which are either freeware or shareware. 1001 Free Fonts offers free fonts for both Windows and Mac platforms.
Download Free Fonts: A simply designed online resource for thousands of free fonts. Download Free Fonts contains free fonts for Windows and Mac. You can use the site’s search box to find the font you are specifically looking for or browse through the font categories.
Show Font: The site lets you download fonts for free. Show Font contains TrueType fonts for both PC and MAC. It also provides font editor and font management tools.
FontStruct: Aside from offering freely downloadable fonts, Fonstruct also has a font editor and font management applications available online. FontStruct lets you build fonts, share it with others and download fonts made by other people as well.
Liberated Games: This is a simple listing site offering free downloads of legally available games. It’s a straight-out listing of these different games including their download links.
NDS-ROMS: This is a heaven sent site for NDS gamers. NDS-ROMs offer free downloads of publicly available ROMs.
Iwin: The Internet’s largest selection of free game downloads. You can choose to play games in the popular categories.
Donwload Full Version PC Games: This is a blog site containing 100 best legal, free, and full version of games. The site covers free action games, free action games and 3rd person games.
Abandonia: If you’re up for some good old DOS-based gaming experience, Abandonia may have those games. Abandonia offers DOS games which have been abandoned for so long.
Best of Games: The site offers various old games and certainly has many of them on the site. Best of all, Best of games offers these games for free download.
Free Games – A search engine for free games that can be played online or downloaded to your machine. It also covers cheat codes.
ZML: One of the Internet’s most useful download service. ZML offers update subscriptions and lets you find out about current movies by subscribing to ZML.
Free Documentaries: offer free Streaming Independent Documentary Films, Environment Documentary, Israel, Palestine, War, George Bush, Afghanistan, Iraq, 9/11, Globalization, Media, and more.
Moving Image Archive: A comprehensive library of free movies, films, and videos uploaded by the site users. Moving images include full-length films, news broadcasts, cartoons and concerts. Not all of the videos are free to download though.
eMusic: The world’s biggest online retailer of independent music and audio books. eMusic holds more than 40,000 independent labels and almost 5,000 titles of audio books from top publishers.
Jazz on Line: The web’s most comprehensive online resources of digitalized Jazz music. Jazz on Line hosts only songs which are in public domain.
Jimmyr: A search engine for mp3 music and other digital files. Jimmyr crawls through the various mp3 resources available on the web using Google Custom Search Engine.
Music Download: The ultimate source for legally available and freely downloadable digital music on the Internet. It’s from, so you are pretty sure that most of the files are safe to download.
beeMP3: A music search engine useful for finding mp3-audio files available on the web. BeeMP3 currently indexes around 800,000 mp3 files.
Download Any Stuff: A digital file search engine that provides download links to free stuff over the Internet. Download Any Stuff lets you search for MP3 files, softwares, drivers, games, movies, ebooks, even Torrents and more.
Skreemr: Another music search engine that you can use to locate audio files available on the web. Skreemr currently indexes and crawls more than 6 million mp3 files from 100,000 web sites.
iLike: A social music discover site that allows you not only to discover music playlists available on the web but also to share your own playlists to the world. iLike also links to iTunes and Amazon music stores.
eMP3 World: A free mp3 download site. eMP3 World currently holds around 85,000 mp3 download links on its database.
Jamendo/: An online community of free, legal and unlimited digital music content. Jamendo offers only those music which have been licensed under Creative Commons. The site lets you share your own music and create your own widget playlists which you can embed to your site or social networking profiles.
Online Video
Vixy:An online video converter that you can use to convert a Flash video / FLV file or YouTube videos to MPEG4 format. Vixy uses a compressed domain transcoder technology. You can enter a YouTube link to have it converted into MPEG4 online.
Keepvid: The site lets you download streaming videos from YouTube, Putfile, Metacafe and other video streaming sites. After downloading you need to convert it into another format depending on what media player you are using. Or you can use FLV’s own media player instead.
Javimoya: Another good video downloader site. Javimoya supports many video streaming sites including YouTube, Metacafe, MySpace Music, and more.
VideoDownloadx: The site allows you to download videos from YouTube and save these videos to your PC. You also need to download an FLV player to view the videos from your local hard drive or convert the file into other formats that can be read by your media player software.Download YouTube Videos as mp4 Files: This blog post gives a detailed instruction on how to download videos directly from YouTube in mp4 format. No need to use a third-party site to scrape the video off from YouTube.
Kiss YouTube: Offers an easy and simple way of downloading and saving YouTube video directly to your computer. You can enter the URL of the video on the Kiss You Tube site, or add the word “kiss” on the URL of the YouTube video to download the file. Either way, you will still download the file from the Kiss You Tube site itself.
Download YouTube Videos: This site lets you download YouTube videos faster and easier. You just nee to enter the YouTube URL of the videos that you want to download
keepHD - lets you download HD videos off Youtube. It also lets download the mobile 3GP version for your mobile devices plus the standard MP4 and FLV format.
Photoshop and Design
Deviant Art Photoshop Brushes: A collection of artsy paintshop brushes used by Deviant Art members. You can download the paint brushes or share it to other people.
Adobe Market Place and Exchange: Adobe’s online resource containing tools, services, and innovations relating to Adobe’s various products. The site also let you discover Adobe AIR runtime applications.
Pixel Chick: Offers both free and paid Photoshop brushes that are compatible with CS2 and CS3.
Vecteezy: Serves as an index of free vector graphics that are available for download from the web. Vecteezy’s vector graphics were created by famous designers.
Busheezy: A huge collection of free Photoshop brushes and patterns. Busheezy is updated daily and also accepts submission of Photoshop brushes from online users.
Vector 4 Free: A free vector graphics site for Adobe Illustrator AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and Corel Draw CDR. All the vector graphics are free for personal and commercial use.
Get Brushes: A directory of brushes personally handpicked by the site owners. Get Brushes contains various brushes including over abstract and text, gothic, coffee pills and more.
Q Vectors: The site offers free high-quality vector images and graphics. Q Vector also accepts user submissions.
Archive 3D: Host more than 17,000 3D graphics model. Archive 3D models ranges from Beds,Shkaps, Chairs,Tables,Sofa, Sanitary Ware, Decoration, NVAC, Tools, and more.
Vectormix – This site has a good collection of vector graphics submitted by users and arre free to download.
Sound Effects
Soundsnap: A library of more than 100, 000 high-quality sound effect and music loops. Soundsnap offers 5 free downloads per month, after which you need to pay a Pro membership to download more files.
FindSounds: A useful sound and sound effects search engine. FindSounds offers sound directory, keyword search and sonic similarity search functions.
Partners in Rhyme: The site offers royalty free music featured in Films, TV, Video and Websites. Partners in Rhyme also offers free music loops, midi files and audio software.
Stone Washed: An online resource for free sound effects, loops, button sounds and other multimedia files. Stone Washed offers various categories including sound effects, animal sounds, buy out music and more.
Stock Photos
Stock.Xchng: One of the web’s leading stock photography site. Stock.xchng offers a full gallery of high-quality stock photos available for free download or for sharing on blogs, social networks and other sites.
Free Digital Photos: Contains thousands of royalty free photos available for download and can be used for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Free Digial Photos does not require registration to download stock photos from their site.
Morgue File: The site provides high-resolution stock photography images for free regardless of whether the photos will be used for corporate or private use. Morgue File is the place to keep post production materials.
123RF – The site offers a daily dose of free high-quality images aside from the paid stock images that it sells.
System utilities
Open Drivers: A free driver download service. Open Drivers is categorized by device category and driver manufacturer. It also includes step-by-step process to install and uninstall the drivers.
DLL Files: A very useful site for users who keeps on getting the missing DLL prompt from the machine. DLL Files contains a comprehensive databased of dll-files that you could possibly need.
Download 3K: A huge archive of free and free-to-try software programs and games for Windows. Download 3K is categorize into 15 main categories and the site is updated with around 300 software everyday.
Free Codecs: The ultimate resource for all types of codecs available online. Free Codecs offers video codecs, audio codecs, codec packs, codec tools and more.
Open Office: Home of the free open-source office software suite. Open Office contains word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentations, graphics, and more.
Web Design
Open Source Web Design: A collection of web designs submitted by the community members. Open Source Web Design offers free web design for download that can be used for personal blogs to a full-featured content management systems for businesses.
Free CSS Templates:The site offers standards compliant CSS templates for free. Users are free to use the templates for personal or business purposes.
Template World: Offers top quality, creative and unique web site templates created by certified web professionals.
Iconspedia: The site offers free icons download. Iconspedia are arranged in various categories including animals, food and phones.
Free Icons Web: The site contains 15000 high quality icons for free downloads. Free Icons Web contains icons for Windows XP, Vista, Macintosh, and Linux. Icons are for personal use only. Commercial users have to pay a certain amount of royalty.
1000+ Classic Icons for Free Download: Probably the best collection of free icons available online. Icons are in png, icns, ico-formats as well as .EPS vector files.
Spotbit: The site allows you to publish and sell e-books using a fast, easy and free method. Spotbit lets you create your e-books and published it on Spotbit.
Smashing Magazine’s 40 Professional Icon Sets for Free Download: A list of 40 high-quality professional icons for desktops and web design which are all free for download. The icons can be used for private and commercial purposes.