If you%u2019re unfamiliar with foursquare, you can familiarize yourself with this article. All of the known foursquare badges are listed below, ordered by the incremental identifier reported by the foursquare system. I try to keep this as up-to-date as possible, and is current as of Feb. 28.
id icon name message active notes sponsor 0 BFF %u266B The only one for me is you, and you for me %u266B 10 checkins togeeetthhherrrr! %u266B Never Activated 1 Newbie Congrats on your first check-in! Yes 2 Adventurer You%u2019ve checked into 10 different venues! Yes 3 Explorer You%u2019ve checked into 25 different venues! Yes 4 Superstar You%u2019ve checked into 50 different venues! Yes 5 Bender That%u2019s 4 nights in a row for you! Yes 6 Crunked That%u2019s 4 stops in one night for you! Yes 7 Local You%u2019ve been at the same place 3x in one week! Yes 8 Super User That%u2019s 30 checkins in a month for you! Yes 9 Player Please! Look at you, checking-in with 3 members of the opposite sex! Player, please! 10 School Night Checking-in after 3am on a school night? Well done! Yes 11 Far Far Away Welcome to the world above 59th Street! Yes NY specific 12 Brooklyn 4 Life That%u2019s 25 checkins in Brooklyn for you! Yes NY specific 13 Photogenic You found 3 places with a photobooth! Yes 14 Gossip Girl Spotted: A true foursquare socialite. Chuck Bass would be impressed. xoxo Possibly NY specific 15 Douchebag Double pop that collar, son! Yes 16 Animal House Off the Wagon appreciates your business. COLLEGE! Yes 17 Socialite Keep this up and you%u2019re going to end up on Valleywag with Julia Allison 23 Far Far Away Well done escaping downtown Austin %u2013 though $5 bucks says you%u2019re at Salt Lick ![]()
SxSW 2009 25 Panel Nerd Three days at the Convention Center before noon! Your boss would be so proud! SxSW 2009 26 Slut Three different hotels! You%u2019re like the Paris Hilton / Bret Michaels of SX! SxSW 2009 27 Redford Nice job sneaking off to see some films (one of the best parts of SXSWi). Gold Badges unite! SxSW 2009 28 Porky Oink oink, you filthy little BBQ lover! SxSW 2009 29 Trifecta Name-Brand Party Trifecta! You hit 3 of the big 6: Frog / Digg / Facebook / Goog / 32-Bit / The Decider SxSW 2009 30 Entourage Look at you, checking-in with 10 of your friends in tow! You so popular! SxSW 2009 31 PV Bender Three late-nights at the PV House! You working on that Slut badge? SxSW 2009 32 Overshare 10 checkins in 12 hours! Next up: tweeting that you unlocked this Overshare badge? Yes 33 Survival However-many-days you were at SX, you survived. Well played and see you next year! SxSW 2009 34 Digg Shindigg Welcome to the Digg Party. I bet the%u2026 OMG!!! KEVIN ROSE JUST TOUCHED MY SHIRT!!! SxSW 2009 35 Karaoke RV! You found the Karaoke RV! Now go queue up some GnR! %u201CYou know where you are? You%u2019re in the jungle baby!%u201D SxSW 2009 36 Party Crasher What else did you expect checking-in with foursquare at the Brightkite party? Anyone down for a dance off? SxSW 2009 55 Thriving Ivory You%u2019ve checked-in at Thriving Ivory%u2019s Fillmore show. Head to the merchandise table and show your TI badge to score some free swag! venue & date specific 56 Internetz Week Welcome to internet week! Five new badges for the next five days! What, wait.. no free drinks here? NEXT PARTY! Internet Week 57 Dot Com Baller Look at you in your fancy suit up on that fancy roof! You%u2019re the Young Jeezy of the NY Tech scene! Internet Week 58 Trifecta Name-Brand Party Trifecta! You hit 3 of the big 5: Ignite / Yelp / Digg/ Thrillist / College Humor / Webutante Ball! Internet Week 59 I%u2019m on a Boat %u266B I%u2019m riding a dolphin doing flips and shit / This dolphin%u2019s splashing, getting everybody all wet / But this ain%u2019t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets / I%u2019m on a boat, motherfucker, don%u2019t you ever forget! %u266B Internet Week 60 Webby A wise microcelebrity once said: %u2018I won a Webby%u2019 is the new %u2018I have a website.%u2019 You may not have be named King or Queen tonight, but please accept this Webby as a token of just how special we think you are. Internet Week 61 Ziggy%u2019s Wagon Waffles and tacos and dumplings and BBQ and%u2026 looks like you%u2019ve found 3 of your city%u2019s legendary food trucks. Enjoy! Yes 62 Don%u2019t Stop Believin%u2019 %u266B Just a small town girl / Living in a lonely world / She took the midnight train going anywhere! %u266B That%u2019s 3 karaoke field trips in a month! Treat yourself by slaying a lil%u2019 Bon Jovi. Yes 63 Gym Rat 10x trips in 30 days? Go reward yourself to the nastiest double cheeseburger you can find (bonus points for cheesy fries and milkshakes). And ps: you look nice today! Yes 64 Mr. Bill Oh nooo! Mr. Bill! (and happy bday from Eris team foursquare!) venue & date specific 65 Trainspotter Driving around SF is soooo 2008, hence the special shoutout for your 10th BART checkin. Public transportation is the new Prius! Yes BART 66 Boxee Fan You took the L train to Brooklyn to attend a software party! Pretty hardcore. venue & date specific Boxee 67 Road Warrior You%u2019re making the world a mappier place one checkin at a time! Yes Waze 69 Intel Insider Intel would like to welcome you to CES! Remember, what happens in Vegas ends up on Foursquare, Twitter and Facebook. Drinks on us! CES 2010 Intel 70 Intel %u2013 All Ears Shhhhhhhhh! Otellini speaks! Intel CES 2010 FTW! CES 2010 Intel 71 Intel %u2013 Work It Thanks for joining Intel at CES! Exercise that Core! CES 2010 Intel 72 CES 2010 Congrats! Your checkin to the Las Vegas Convention Center just unlocked the CES Badge. Welcome to the world%u2019s largest and coolest tech show! CES 2010 73 JetSetter Hopping around the world one airport at a time%u2026 congrats on your 5th airport checkin and safe travels! Yes 74 16 Candles Treat yourself to another cupcake %u2013 that%u2019s 5 birthday shoutouts from you! Yes 75 Zoetrope That brings you to 10 movie theater checkins! Now, can you pick us up a large popcorn while you%u2019re up? Yes 76 Pizzaiolo This badge is reserved only for the true pizza connoisseur: slices from 20 different pizza places. Well done! Yes 77 Jobs 3 Apple Store checkins! Show this badge to the hipster at the Genius Bar to redeem your new Apple Hoverboard! (%u2026 or not) Yes 78 Warhol That sure is a nice collection of art gallery checkins (10 different galleries!) Yes 79 Babysitter Forget those %u201CBender%u201D and %u201CCrunked%u201D badges %u2013 you%u2019ve conquered the playground circuit! (10 checkins!) Yes 80 Swarm 50 people are also checked-in here %u2013 it%u2019s a foursquare flashmob! Yes 83 Super Mayor A special shoutout for holding down 10 mayorships at once! Yes 84 I%u2019m on a boat! %u266B This ain%u2019t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets / I%u2019m on a boat, MF%u2019er, don%u2019t you ever forget! %u266B Yes 85 Yard Bird Congrats on mastering Harvard Yard on Foursquare! You%u2019re looking (and acting) smarter all the time. Yes Cambridge Harvard 86 Metro Thanks for Waking up with the Metro! You%u2019ve checked in near Metro pickup locations on 3 different mornings! Yes Metro News 87 Journal M�tro Merci d%u2019�tre matinal avec M�tro! F�licitations! Vous avez d�verrouill� le badge M�tro. Yes Metro News 88 Bravo Newbie Congratulations! You%u2019ve taken your first step into the BRAVO world. (It%u2019s not as scary as it sounds!) Yes Bravo 89 Real Housewife Way to drink, eat, shop, and spa like a Real Housewife! Yes Bravo 90 Top Chef You wear the term %u201Cfoodie%u201D as a badge of honor, and now have BRAVO%u2019s Top Chef Badge to prove it. Yes Bravo 91 Hair Aware For trimming your tresses and loving your locks like a true follicle wiz, you%u2019ve received BRAVO%u2019s Shear Genius Badge. Yes Bravo 92 Fashionista You%u2019ve found the key to BRAVO%u2019s Launch My Line insignia. Now, go find us some sales! Yes Bravo 93 Lookin%u2019 for Love You know all the hottest singles spots and can now proudly wear BRAVO%u2019s Millionaire Matchmaker Badge of Love. Yes Bravo 94 Foodie You eat the best from hot dogs to haute cuisine. That%u2019s 5 checkins at Zagat Rated spots! Yes Zagat 95 Transit Champion Holy moly transit champ, You sure know how to get around Metro Vancouver! Thanks for going green and riding with TransLink! Yes Vancouver TransLink 96 On Location Get ready for your close up! You%u2019ve just earned the On Location badge by visiting five of Chicago%u2019s iconic movie locations. Yes Explore Chicago 97 Celery Salt Hold the ketchup & drag it through the garden! You%u2019ve earned the Celery Salt badge for visiting 5 places that serve Chicago-style hot dogs! Yes Explore Chicago 98 Chicago Blues Sweet Home Chicago! You%u2019ve earned a Chicago Blues badge by visiting 5 stops on the History of Chicago Blues Tour (downloadchicagotours.com) Yes Explore Chicago 99 Valentine%u2019s Day Ooh la la! This is your 2nd checkin at a great date spot for Valentine%u2019s Day. How romantic! Next up: bring your date to see %u201CValentine%u2019s Day%u201D, in theaters February 12th! Yes Warner Bros. 101 NY Times Olympian You%u2019ve just checked into a venue recommended by The New York Times during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Go for the gold! Yes New York Times 102 Fashion Victim Wow! You crossed the line! Your passion for fashion knows no boundaries! Four of you will be given tickets to the MbMJ show in NYC on Tues Feb 16 (we%u2019ll notify you by email!) %u2013 Love, Marc Yes Fashion Week 2010 Marc Jacobs 103 Show Hopper 5 checkins with Lucky and still going strong %u2013 you%u2019re a NYFW machine! Yes Fashion Week 2010 Lucky Magazine 104 Nightlife You stopped by 4 UrbanDaddy-approved spots, unlocked the HBO How To Make It/UD Nightlife Badge, Time to celebrate! Yes HBO 105 Tastemaker You just unlocked Eater and Racked%u2019s HBO How to Make It Tastemaker badge! That%u2019s 3 or more check-ins from Eater or Racked approved venues. Yes HBO 106 Cityscape You%u2019ve just unlocked the Flavorpill and HBO%u2019s How to Make It Culture badge, after scoping out the best cultural venues in the city. Movin%u2019 on up%u2026 Yes HBO 107 Cocktails You%u2019ve hit 3 BlackBook and HBO%u2019s How To Make It-approved hotspots %u2014 no velvet rope can stop you. Yes HBO Does this list have any value to you? Leave a comment, and let me know%u2026
Sunday, February 28, 2010
list of foursquare badges « presence: a journal by tony felice
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